Monday, September 8, 2008

State Fair

Last weekend, we took the boys, along with my sister and her kids to the state fair. I haven't been to the state fair since at least sometime in high school. We decided not to introduce them to the carnival part of the fair, but stuck to the animals, food and shows and they couldn't have had more fun. At one point my 2-year-old saw a cow eating grass and was absolutely amazed by the sight, as well as the unknown to him sound of a moo. At that point I realized that my city boys needed to spend more time at grandma and grandpa's ranch with their animals! The kids all enjoyed the bountiful food that is available at a fair with sugary treats to end the day!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We haven't been to the fair in a long time either. Both of my kids would probably benefit from experiencing a little animal at the fair vs. city living.