Monday, January 26, 2009

Blue Face

I laughed about this story all day and had to share it with several of my patients, so I thought I'd share it with all of you. Last night about 9pm after the boys had been in bed for over an hour, we heard little feet coming down the hallway. As I looked to see who was coming, O turned the corner and his face was covered with blue marker. I said "what did you do?" in my stern voice and then had to immediately turn away from him. Billy was asking me, "aren't you going to do anything?" The problem was that I was laughing way too hard to act mad and couldn't let O see me laughing. So, after I composed myself, I then gave him a stern talking to about drawing on anything other than paper. Luckily, the marker washed off easily and we don't have to spend the next several days looking at his cute blue face.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

7 Random Things About Me

I was tagged and have been tagged before, but have never actually gotten around to doing one of these before. I thought since I had a little time tonight I would give it a try.

1. My husband and I are going to take a 2 night trip to Bandon Dunes in April for a golfing trip before the baby comes in July. I know not many women would be excited to do this type of trip for their last outing alone together, but I'm the one who keeps pushing for it!

2. Every age that my kids get to, I think is my favorite, until they get a little older and I love that age more. I wonder if that will change after they hit their teenage years?

3. I loved living in England when we had the chance and would go back in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose again.

4. My favorite place to visit is Ireland.(lots of golfing and sightseeing and pubing and music there).

5. The place I want to visit most of all that I have never been to is Australia.

6. Currently my favorite treat are these big pickles. I wonder if that has anything to do with my current physical situation. I've never had that craving before in a pregnancy.

7. I'm amazed how easy it was to come up with this list.

Now, to tag 7 people considering that I only have 7 other blogs listed that I look at, I guess, I'll just have to tag those seven.