My first grader is in a TWI program right now learning Spanish mainly with some English thrown in. I was getting worried that he was getting too far behind in learning to read in English, so in the fall, I bought a book called Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons. I decided that since I was going to work on it with my first-grader, why not also go through it with my preschooler. I mean, it did say EASY! Well, the short story is that for 4 months I have been working on it and have made it through 44 lessons with both boys. I am quite sure I would not have the patience to home school my children and with that being said, it was a long 44 lessons so far. The other night, we decided to let D try reading some books to see if it was paying off. And to my delight, he did AWESOME! The look of pure joy on his face as he actually was able to read me a book made all the extra gray hair worth it! There actually isn't any gray hair yet, but that is surprising! The following night, we put the 2 boys in bed together and let the older one help the younger one, and once again, success. So, as I finish the final 56 lessons (it may take all year), I just need to remember these moments of joy!