Thursday, December 31, 2009


Wow, as I look back at 2009, it's amazing that the year is already gone. Of course, the highlight of the year was the birth of our sweet baby girl. It doesn't take long to realize that you can no longer imagine life without her in it. The kids are all such buddies and I look forward to watching their relationships grow in the new year. Sis will no doubt learn how to get her brothers attention even more and they will no doubt learn how to keep her laughing and entertained. I have enjoyed seeing how much older D seems now that he is in school everyday. I am going to try and enjoy all the time I have with him, because come next fall, he will be in 1st grade and away from me all day during the week. O continues to challenge my patience and then give me the sweetest smile, hug and kiss. He is a very sweet 4-year-old and his independence has been nice with all the changes that have occurred this year. We have been blessed as a family of five and look forward to the growth of our children and all that that has to offer. Happy New Year!

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