Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Kiddos

Really? The stroller is getting a little heavy.

My favorite time of the day is going to check on the kiddos right before bed. They are so peaceful and sweet. On nonschool nights the boys get to sleep in the same room. Trouble is they like to play usually until we have to come in and separate them.
Look mom, no hands! And K took her first step on May 2nd-exactly 10 months old.
Everyone in D's class got to take home Monito the monkey for a visit. We took him on a bike ride.
What is this green stuff? I think I will stay on the pavement.

Right after I took this picture of the kids in K's crib, D came sprinting in to tell me that O needed me. When I walked in the room all I could see was feet and legs sticking out of K's laundry basket. A little boy had fallen in face first and was stuck. Luckily he didn't get hurt, just scared, and I had to keep from cracking up too much.

Always one of my favorite moments of any day, when my sweet baby is asleep on me.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Love the pictures! Some of my favorite times are when they are sleeping too. I get a chance to pray over them....