Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Little Delights

I just loved watching my 4 year old this evening. He was practicing his whistle blowing and finger snapping and absolutely delighted every time he made any noise. He then informed me that he could do both at the same time. I may not like it anymore when he can actually produce some sound, but for now it's a joy to watch him grow and learn.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Look at you with your posts and your sidebar too! And thanks for your comment:) I'm bummed you missed her dedication, but was glad you were one of the ones caring after all my nephews - Max, Tobin, and Cole were all in there:)

I too, love how this age is full of new tricks:). Daph is whistling and pumping on the swings and jumproping s l o w l y... Have you ever felt such pride??:)