Drumroll-The biggest family news of the year is that we will be having a baby-due July 9th. We just told the kids about it this weekend. D gave the cutest sheepish grin and O just kept playing with the puppy. That day, D and I had some cute conversations.
D-"How big is the baby?"
Me-"About this big"-showing him with the distance between my index finger and thumb
D-"What if she was this big, from the wall to the window, you would not be able to carry her" again with the sheepish grin
Me-"Do you want a brother or a sister?"
D-"I want a baby sister. No, it doesn't matter."
As I was putting him to bed that night, "I love you mommy and I love you baby (as he pats my belly gently)."
We have a doppler that we rented to listen to the baby's heartbeat throughout the pregnancy and now that I have shown it to the boys, we listen every night at their request. O has even started talking to my belly without any prompting. It is quite cute.
Seasons cherished …
3 months ago