Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And Soon There Will Be More...

Drumroll-The biggest family news of the year is that we will be having a baby-due July 9th. We just told the kids about it this weekend. D gave the cutest sheepish grin and O just kept playing with the puppy. That day, D and I had some cute conversations.

D-"How big is the baby?"
Me-"About this big"-showing him with the distance between my index finger and thumb
D-"What if she was this big, from the wall to the window, you would not be able to carry her" again with the sheepish grin

Me-"Do you want a brother or a sister?"
D-"I want a baby sister. No, it doesn't matter."

As I was putting him to bed that night, "I love you mommy and I love you baby (as he pats my belly gently)."

We have a doppler that we rented to listen to the baby's heartbeat throughout the pregnancy and now that I have shown it to the boys, we listen every night at their request. O has even started talking to my belly without any prompting. It is quite cute.


Stefanie said...

I am so excited for you guys - can't stop smiling about it!

You are going to do just wonderfully with three. I KNOW it. You are a wonderful mom!

Our great adventure said...

Whooopie!!!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! We are due at the same time, wow you are patient for keeping quiet this long!!

Michelle said...

Congrats Amy! That is wonderful news!

Grateful Disciple said...

My new year's resolution is to comment more and you are my first comment of the year! I am so excited for you guys, and I love that we will be adding one more candy grabber to our halloween mob - look out Cottonwood!

Moon Dance Ranch said...

Yes! That is exciting news. Maybe a baby girl or another awesome boy! Your boys were so great in class on Sunday. They are very fun.
See you at Mom's group.

Tara said...

I can't wait. Either you will have a boy and we will still have our boy talks, or you will have a girl and I will follow you around wanting to see what dolls she likes and what dresses she wears. :) Either way, I can't wait for the third Wark to be born.