Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jedi Training

Today at Disneyland the boys were able to do Jedi training. The Jedi master picks members of the crowd to participate. All I was wishing for was either pick both of them or neither of them. Luckily, he pointed out the 2 boys in red shirts to come out. Good luck that I dressed them the same. The main reason I did that was to be able to spot them easily in the crowd, but it turned out helpful for this as well. When the boy of the lady from Canada that I had been talking to before the show also got picked we gave each other a big high five. Billy thought we were so funny. Although later he told me he would have high-fived another dad if there had been one standing nearby. The boys loved getting dressed up in the gear and learning their moves. They then actually got to fight Darth Vader. O's eyes got bigger than I have ever seen them before, but they both loved it. So far the highlight of the trip!

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