Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend with the youngest 2

This weekend, Billy took D to Spokane for the weekend and I stayed home with the littlest 2 kiddos. I wondered how it would go with this combo, but it was wonderful. O really acted old and helped me around the house and with his little sister. We had time to play games, read books and go golfing. Both of the kids also slept really well, which always helps the mommy! I'm glad I got the chance to spend a little more quality time with them and I'm sure that the big boys had a great trip too. Right now, K is sleeping and O is taking a bath, ahhhhhh

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

I can't believe I have missed so many posts lately - that's what adding "work" to my life has done - "blog-neglect".

Your baby girls is so stinkin cute Amy! Miss those days when they fit sleeping on your chest still.

Sorry about the pic on my blog - I just had to do it:)