Monday, October 20, 2008

Grocery Shopping

So, I did something crazy on Saturday and decided to take the boys grocery shopping with me. Generally, my husband and I go separately without kids because it is so much easier, but I was determined to get it done while he was playing in a golf tournament. They were extremely energetic after just having a cookie while I shredded papers at the local bank and used that sugar high while shopping. They were in an attached car on the grocery cart pretending to drive and reaching out and touching everything in their arms length. I was being careful to keep the cart centered in the isle (I thought). When about 4 rows in they suddenly got very quiet and stopped moving. I was so happy about it, that I didn't question it. After walking down one whole isle in peace they both suddenly stuck their arms out of their respective side of the "car" with a bottle of bbq sauce in their hands. I growled at them a little and walked back down to put the bottles away. After a few minutes, I just had to laugh and it's been my best story of the week!


Our great adventure said...

so funny! I think silence is the most dangerous thing you can hear from your kids

cori_b said...

Cute story! My girls love driving those cars but they usually only last in them about half way through the store and then they start running down the aisles.