Sunday, October 5, 2008

My First Garden

Well, the season and our garden are almost finished for the year. We planted our very first garden this year. We had no idea what to buy, how to plant it and when to pick it. Amazingly, it turned out great! We had an abundance of sweet peas, zucchini, cucumbers, beans and tomatoes. We didn't fair as well with the carrots, strawberries and red peppers, so we'll have to decide if we will attempt them again. We are also currently getting onions and red potatoes. Overall it was a success and the boys loved helping weed, picking the food and eating the food from the garden.


cori_b said...

What a fun activity for you and your boys. Wish our yard was big enough to do something like that! But..Gabby does love pulling the weeds out of our little yard!

Stefanie said...

Glad you did it - sounds like hardwork to me:). I'll stick to the garden that Mike's dad plants in honor of all the grandkids each year.

I love your backyard!!!